Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Once again, with feeling!...

As you probably can see, I haven't been blogging on this site since just about this time last year.  Not that there haven't been lots of things to talk about, but I just didn't find the desire to speak of those things.

In that time, loved ones have passed on (good bye Mom and Uncle Frank...I'll miss you both.) Challenges have been taken on (a new business and career for my next phase...See the changes at my other blogsite:Stitches N Bitches) 
Winter's been a long one! The snow stayed on the ground from mid-October, when I travelled to Portland for the Machine Quilting Exposition, and there hasn't been an iota (Dad's word) of bare ground around here until this week!  FINALLY the snow is starting to melt.  The fields are brown with touches of green starting up and today it was a balmy 12C (That's 53.6 Degree Fahrenheit for all my friends to the south).  We're expecting snow again in flurries this week-end.  I'm hoping the weatherman is lying.

I read a very interesting post today by a fellow Canadian.  One of my friends, Connie, said that you should check out this web-site where you could get an 'Artistic License' - all very bureaucratic and validating.  Just the thing for an aspiring fabric artist (like myself).  Well, one thing lead to another and I found some blogging by this character.  Even a lovely article on winter in Canada.  Check it out!

from  Written by Hugh Briss (really?)  I quite like his article entitled 'In the Bleak Mid-Winter'  As he says in this succinct blog..."I think the only thing to do is wait. Wait for spring and the warm weather. But as Tom Petty has taught us - the waiting is the hardest part. Oh well. Good luck and I will see you in the spring".  Hopefully sooner, rather than later.