A girlfriend of mine just married off her last kid. The wedding was fabulous! The food was great! The band....oh, back to the food and our subject today. She was left with bags of buns. What to do with it (other than feed the ducks?).

Located on page 302 is the Lemon Bread Pudding recipe - which makes 12 portions.
Maida writes "This is a taste thrill when served at any temperature, but it is most spectacular right out of the oven. The lemon curd can be prepared days or even weeks ahead; the bread can be sliced and toasted a day or so ahead if you wish; the pudding can be put together (in about 5 minutes) one hour before it is baked, and it can bake while dinner is being served. It is an easy and foolproof recipe."
I agree with Maida, it's a simple, yet elegant dessert. Serve this plain or with Raspberry Sauce.
Prepare the Lemon Curd first:
Lemon Curd
3 eggs plus 1 egg yolk graded 'large'1 cup granulated sugar
Finely grated rind of 2 large lemons
1/3 cup lemon juice
4 ounces (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into 1-inch pieces
In the top of a large double boiler beat the eggs, yolk, and sugar to mix. Stir in the rind and juice. Add the butter. Place over hot water on moderate heat. Cook uncovered, stirring and scraping the pan frequently with a rubber spatula, for about 15 to 20 minutes until the mixture is as thick as mayonnaise; it will register 180 degrees on a sugar thermometer.
Remove the top of the double boiler and set aside to cool, stirring occasionally.
You can use the curd as soon as it has cooled, or you can refrigerate it for several weeks.
Bread Pudding
1 loaf (8 ounces) sturdy, white bread. French bread works best.
10 eggs graded 'Large'
1 1/4 cups sugar
1 quart milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Lemon Curd (above)
Butter a shallow, oblong 3-quart baking dish (13 by 8 or 9 x 2 inches) and set aside. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
With a serrated bread knife slice the bread 1/2 inch thick. Place slices on cookie sheet and bake for 10 to 15 minutes until dry but not brown; turn the slices over when half-done. Set aside.
In a bowl beat the eggs and 1 cup of the sugar (reserving the remaining 1/4 cup). Beat in the milk, salt and vanilla then set aside.
In the bottom of the baking dish place a layer of the bread slices touching each other. If necessary, break a few of the slices to fill in spaces. Spread half of the cooled or cold lemon curd over the bread. Then make a second layer of the bread slices, these slices at right angles to the first slices. Again, break a few slices if necessary to fill in the spaces. You may have a few slices left over that you will not need (*feed the ducks). Spread the remaining curd over the top.
Now ladle the egg-and-milk mixture slowly all over the top. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour.
Before baking, adjust a rack to the centre of the oven and preheat the oven to 350f degrees.
Sprinkle the remaining 1/4 cup sugar evenly over the pudding.
Place the baking dish in a large, shallow pan, place in the oven, and then pour hot water into the pan (holding your baking dish) to about 1/2 the depth of the baking dish.
Bake for about 45 minutes until the top is puffed and just barely colored. Testing this with the point of a knife (the way custard is generally tested) is not good, because the lemon curd will cling to the blade even after the custard is done. It is better to tap the side of the baking dish lightly and when the middle of the pudding moves only slightly, it is done. (Maida said 'I have made this many times, and now all I do is test the oven temperature with a portable thermometer and watch the clock carefully.)
If necessary, you may place the baking dish under the broiler for just a few seconds to darken the top, but only until barely golden.
Serve piping hot - right away, or at room temperature.
To serve the pudding, use wide, flat dessert plates. If you serve this with the Raspberry Sauce, spoon or pour the sauce onto each plate and tilt the plate to run the sauce toward the rim. With a small, sharp knife cut the pudding into squares and, with a pancake turner, lace a portion of the pudding on each plate.
For a gorgeous decoration (when using the raspberry sauce) that takes a minute, place about 1 teaspoon of un-whipped whipping cream on the sauce alongside the pudding. With the tip of a sharp knife or the side of a fork, pull curved lines of the cream into the sauce.
Raspberry Sauce
(makes 2 cups)
20 ounces frozen raspberries in light syrup
Thaw the berries. Place the berries and syrup in a blender and blend to puree. Force through a wide but fine strainer set over a bowl to remove the seeds.
Serve cold.