Many of my friends think that Brian and I have both lost our minds. What in the world were we thinking when we moved from beautiful, blooming Victoria BC to the prairies? My dog Lady agrees with them, though she does spend a lot more time indoors when it's cold. She has a wonderful capacity for 'holding it'. I admire that, now that I'm growing older.
Yes, on blizzard-y days, the ones that make driving a challenge, I'd tend to start wondering the same myself. But then, we get a huge percentage of sunny days - even though the weather might be bitter is beautiful. And if the wind blows hard enough - no clearing the walks! No gardening in the wintertime. That in itself gives me more time to quilt, knit, crochet and other stitch-y stuff. The neighbors tend to have more time to come by for a visit and a bit of coffee. (Gotta keep the dishes done and a bit of baking put by just in case!)
Yes, my friends back in Victoria tell me that they have 2 feet of snow this winter...that's about what we have here, discounting the drifts. They look forward to warmer weather. The problem with living in Victoria is that most of the winter brings clouds and rain there. Gray skies, gray rain, and gloomy nights until around mid-March. Then the blossoms start up with a riot of colour. Nice, but I got tired of not seeing the sun for 3 months during the winter.
When I got home tonight, Brian was looking on the internet at houses for sale in Arizona. He said it's nice to look at all those pictures - makes him feel a bit warmer. I think that'll pass. When spring then summer arrive with all it's glory - he'll change his tune. Besides, he just got the Quonset workshop to where he likes it.
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